
Archive for the ‘how to be a personal shopper’ Category

By Judith Rasband, AICI CIM and Dani Slaugh, Conselle Affiliate


  1. Own your own business.
  2. Flexible work hours—full-time or part-time. Work as much or as little as you like!
  3. Set your own fees.
  4. Earn an income doing what you love to do! The work is rewarding!
  5. Minimal start-up expense.
  6. Minimal overhead if home-based.
  7. Excellent growth potential.
  8. Your work is never boring. Every client is unique and fascinating.
  9. You feel good about helping others feel good about themselves. The work is fulfilling!

Our next educational series begins June 13-28, 2016

CLICK HERE to learn why Conselle has the best program in the country!  

“You opened my mind to all the hopes and dreams I have always had in this field. ”
Shannon Bradshaw
Petersburg, VA

“This program should be the standard training for every person calling themselves an image consultant. The course was even more than I expected—this is complete! The material is exceptional. It prepares you & sets you up for a successful business.”
Francesca Tedesco
New York City, NY

“This is one of the most thorough programs I have ever attended! Nothing was left to the imagination—the notebook, the handouts, the file with all it’s information. The sort activity is one of the best ideas I’ve seen. The Style Scale™ is brilliant and so easy to market. You are such a resource. A wonderful step-by-step presentation—the best! The seminar is worth more than I paid.”
Suzie Wilson
Houston, TX

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By Dani Slaugh, Conselle Affiliate


Fractal image, the ultimate culmination of science, mathematics, and art. (From Coby01 Deviant Art.)

One of the areas that sets Conselle apart is its ability to rely on classic principles of art, and science including mathematics.  As Conselle image consultants, we use the artistic elements and principles of design taught in every university level art foundation class around the world.  Why?  Because what you put on your body is your own artistic representation of who you are.  And it communicates something about you.  It may say that you are incredibly creative, artistically confused, completely boring, or something else entirely. Nevertheless, what you wear speaks before you even say a word.  Because fashion trends come and go, your education can become quickly dated if the focus is only on what’s hot now.  Understanding the messages each artistic element of design conveys, how they relate to the body and personality of each of my clients has helped me find the perfect fit for them.  Science comes into play when we uncover differences in perception, psychological messages, figure variations and anatomy, just to name a few.  These concepts are timeless and will support your career as far as you want to take it.

Judith Rasband says, “Conselle affiliates identify your natural personal characteristics or traits and align them in harmony with clothing and grooming traits, after balancing or counter balancing dominant traits as needed.”

My business is growing and will continue to flourish because of the concepts, strategies and skills based on classic academic principles that relate to what we’re seeing now and will see in the future.   It’s all thanks to Conselle Institute of Image Management. A great education never goes out of style.

For more information on how you can have a fabulous and fulfilling career as an image consultant, click HERE.



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By Dani Slaugh, Conselle Affiliate


Before you can hope to build serious momentum in your business, become the master of the product you are selling.  Remember the book, The Little Engine That Could?   The poor little train full of dolls, toys, and good things for the boys and girls on the other side of mountain is stranded.  The big engines refuse to help.  The “Little Engine That Could”, who had never even been over the mountain, comes to the rescue. With a positive “I think I can” mantra and some hard work, that little engine eventually gains the momentum to pull the stranded train up and over the mountain, bringing good things to the kids on the other side.

mastery quote judi_edited-1

Mastering the image consulting industry is a huge challenge!  It requires positive thinking, hard work, and a knowledge of psychological, social, physical and artistic aspects of image.  That’s a big load to carry my little engines!  Picture your clients, the wonderful people on the other side of mountain waiting for you to deliver them life transforming treasures.  Oh how they want those treasures!  To gain enough momentum to actually get to them, you need to master the material. Otherwise, you are not only disappointing your clients, but yourself and your own reputation…and potentially marring the image consulting profession in general.  So if you really want to know your business, you best do your homework.  AICI, Association of Image Consultants International, offers a list of reference materials as suggested reading for the certification exam.  There are a number of references listed there.  If you only read one book, read the book that will help you pass the exam, Wardrobe Strategies for Women by Judith Rasband.  This book is not only listed 4 times by AICI, but the author also contributed to the AICI Key Terms of the image industry which are on the AICI exam.  Wardrobe Strategies is the one comprehensive book that includes everything you need to know to pass the exam.  Master this one book and you will gain the momentum to have a fabulous and fulfilling career as an image consultant.  Or you may choose to learn directly from the author herself at the Conselle Institute of Image Consulting and be able to say “I knew I could!”

Get the Wardrobe Strategies book HERE.


Find the list of Recommended References for the AICI exam under Appendix A here:  http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.aici.org/resource/resmgr/AICI_Candidate_Handbook.pdf

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