Body image is our psychological experience of embodiment, providing us with a tangible shape or form for our intangible perception of our body.  Got that?  Body image is where it all begins as an infant, something we develop, order, and re-order throughout our lifespan.  What we think of our body may range between delight, disregard, and disgust and it profoundly influences our quality of life.
Negative Body Image, A Global Issue
Powerful attention to the body and the idea of having a perfect body is transmitted through the media and in everyday conversation with family and friends-parents and peers.  For women, the focus is on the pursuit of beauty through cosmetics, clothing, hair styling, nail enhancement, and dieting as well as cosmetic surgery.
Body image assessments reveal that a negative body image is experienced by virtually all women and girls, with men and boys also afflicted.  Dissatisfaction with the body is a major contributor to a negative body image and low levels of self esteem-of how we feel about ourselves as a whole.  Depression, anxiety, and eating disorders often follow.
Instilled in every society, negative body image is now a global issue of concern.  Pressure is on sub-cultural groups of individuals that idealize the perfect body.  This includes fitness buffs, gymnasts, athletes, dancers, models, and movie stars.  They do register higher rates of body dissatisfaction and eating disorders.  They, in turn, influence us so that satisfaction or dissatisfaction with our appearance will be a result of the degree to which we do or do not meet the socio-cultural ideal set up according to worldly standards.
The socio-cultural ideal woman is tall and thin, with moderately large breasts and long legs, large eyes, clear skin. If she’s light skinned, she wants to be darker.  If she’s dark skinned she wants to be lighter. The socio-cultural ideal man is tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, thick hair, scruffy beard, and also tan, if light skinned.  It is virtually impossible for women and men to achieve these ideals by healthy means.  Nonetheless, they are accepted and adopted as the reference by which to judge ourselves-invariably resulting in body dissatisfaction and a negative body image.
Tools To Facilitate A Positive Body Image
Changing our perception of the body often leads to a changed body image.  Clothing is a tool for us to use, an agent of change-both body changing and mind changing.  Specifically, changing the shape of our clothing can change our body image boundaries-easily improving our body silhouette.  Layering clothing works wonders to camouflage a body area or balance our body.  In turn, we may perceive and accept ourselves in a more positive manner.
Better yet, dress can effectively prevent body image problems from developing-effectively fostering feelings of acceptance through the ability to regularly recognize, select, and coordinate clothes that flatter the body.  The achievement of a more realistic body image allows for the positive application of visual design in dress (or vice versa), therefore enhancing our self-presentation as well as our everyday interactions and relationships with others.  This is image management and expressive image therapy in action, something we can do for ourselves.

It is truly more important to be healthy and whole than to try to match some unhealthy worldly standard.  My father used to say, “I’m pretty good for the shape I’m in.”  That’s a good attitude.  I remind us to appreciate our body and all it does for us.  It’s the vehicle that gets us where we want to go-even if the pace is slow at times.  Knowing your body type directs you to flattering clothing styles and coordination.  To learn more, get yourself to my Style for Life Retreat.  Be careful in all you do and make mindful dressing part of your everyday life.

Visit our website www.conselle.com or contact us at Conselle,
801-224-1207 or judith@conselle.com

By Judith Rasband, AICI CIM and Dani Slaugh, Conselle Affiliate


  1. Own your own business.
  2. Flexible work hours—full-time or part-time. Work as much or as little as you like!
  3. Set your own fees.
  4. Earn an income doing what you love to do! The work is rewarding!
  5. Minimal start-up expense.
  6. Minimal overhead if home-based.
  7. Excellent growth potential.
  8. Your work is never boring. Every client is unique and fascinating.
  9. You feel good about helping others feel good about themselves. The work is fulfilling!

Our next educational series begins June 13-28, 2016

CLICK HERE to learn why Conselle has the best program in the country!  

“You opened my mind to all the hopes and dreams I have always had in this field. ”
Shannon Bradshaw
Petersburg, VA

“This program should be the standard training for every person calling themselves an image consultant. The course was even more than I expected—this is complete! The material is exceptional. It prepares you & sets you up for a successful business.”
Francesca Tedesco
New York City, NY

“This is one of the most thorough programs I have ever attended! Nothing was left to the imagination—the notebook, the handouts, the file with all it’s information. The sort activity is one of the best ideas I’ve seen. The Style Scale™ is brilliant and so easy to market. You are such a resource. A wonderful step-by-step presentation—the best! The seminar is worth more than I paid.”
Suzie Wilson
Houston, TX

By Dani Slaugh, Conselle Affiliate


Fractal image, the ultimate culmination of science, mathematics, and art. (From Coby01 Deviant Art.)

One of the areas that sets Conselle apart is its ability to rely on classic principles of art, and science including mathematics.  As Conselle image consultants, we use the artistic elements and principles of design taught in every university level art foundation class around the world.  Why?  Because what you put on your body is your own artistic representation of who you are.  And it communicates something about you.  It may say that you are incredibly creative, artistically confused, completely boring, or something else entirely. Nevertheless, what you wear speaks before you even say a word.  Because fashion trends come and go, your education can become quickly dated if the focus is only on what’s hot now.  Understanding the messages each artistic element of design conveys, how they relate to the body and personality of each of my clients has helped me find the perfect fit for them.  Science comes into play when we uncover differences in perception, psychological messages, figure variations and anatomy, just to name a few.  These concepts are timeless and will support your career as far as you want to take it.

Judith Rasband says, “Conselle affiliates identify your natural personal characteristics or traits and align them in harmony with clothing and grooming traits, after balancing or counter balancing dominant traits as needed.”

My business is growing and will continue to flourish because of the concepts, strategies and skills based on classic academic principles that relate to what we’re seeing now and will see in the future.   It’s all thanks to Conselle Institute of Image Management. A great education never goes out of style.

For more information on how you can have a fabulous and fulfilling career as an image consultant, click HERE.




sneezing womanSo you have a cold, and you look as bad as you feel — itchy, irritated eyes; swollen eyelids at half mast; a bright red nose; and dry, cracked lips.  But you can’t stay in bed.  Commitments and responsibilities require you to get up and get going.  I’ll bet we can all relate.  If this sounds like you, here are some tips on how to look like you’re on top of the world instead of under the weather. 

  1. While you’re still in bed in the morning, fight back with a series of stretches to limber up and pump oxygen through your bloodstream to help get you moving.  This should leave you feeling a little more alive.
  2. Once you’re up, it’s a question of bath or shower.  A bath can be wonderfully soothing, but if time is short and you must shower, make it comfortably hot and steamy to help clear your sinuses.  Let the water run over your neck and shoulders to limber you up further.
  3. After a bath or shower, apply your favorite moisturizing lotion as a protection against the drying effects of winter weather and central heating.  While you’re at it, don’t forget to apply a light film of protective lotion on your face.  If your nose is red and raw from continuous blowing, apply a little petroleum jelly on the area to soothe thesore skin.
  4. Good eye drops will relieve irritated eyes and help red eyes look lessaggravated.  Cold compresses made from tea bags steeped in ice-cold water are good for swollen eyelids and puffiness under your eyes.  The tannic acid in the tea reduces swelling and increases circulation.  For best results, place a tea bag over each eye and sit back or lie down for five or ten minutes.
  5. Go light on breakfast but don’t skip it, even if you’re not hungry. You need it for energy.  For something light, try juice and toast.  Pop some vitamin C and drink extra fluids all day long to flush your system.  Hot water with lemon juice and honey workwonders to soothe a sore throat, as does gargling with salt water or mouth wash.  Honey soothes the throat and lemon cuts the phlegm.  Drink it all day long.
  6. Don’t forget to brush your teeth — fresh breath makes you feel fresh all over. Even if you don’t feel like it, flash yourself a smile in the bathroom mirror; even a practice grin can perk up your mood.
  7. If you’re really feeling sick, you probably won’t want to wear makeup and perhaps ought to stay home altogether. But if you absolutely must go out, makeup is next and so essential to looking and feeling the best you can.
  8. Now that you’re relatively ready to get dressed, it time for some fashion therapy.  It’s important to think of clothes power as a way of boosting your spirit.  Now is not the time to wear your sloppiest, thrown-together outfit simply because you don’t feel good.  Instead, wear a favorite, comfortable yet sharp looking outfit — one you often get compliments on.  Avoid wearing red or green as they repeat or contrast with redness in your face.  Look for something in a soft coral or shrimp, blue or gray.
  9. You may go through hot and cold spells throughout the day, so dress in layers to stay warm. If you feel flushed you can simply remove a layer and feel relieved.  If you have a sore throat, wrap a silk scarf around your neck attractively.  It feels great, and when you look great, chances are you’ll soon begin to feel more like it, too.  That’s clothes power.
  10. Take care of yourself.  There’s nothing better than hot chicken soup to soothe congestion and an aching body.  Take a thermos of soup for lunch.  It really does speed recovery.
  11. Yes, you can cough or sneeze into your elbow, but better yet, take a nice handkerchief with you and use that to cover your nose and mouth if you cough or sneeze.  Bring an ample supply of lotion-treated tissues for blowing your nose and throw them away immediately after using.  If you can, wash your hands, with real soap and warm water, or use hand sanitizer in a pinch.  Excuse yourself from shaking hands, as hand-to-hand contact is the most common way to spread germs.
  12. Take eye drops, always a way to soothe and make your eyes look healthier.
  13. During the day, refresh your lipstick and spritz on some perfume.
  14. Most of all, think positively.
  15. Face the day with a smile and if you’ve followed these tips, people may not even know that you have a cold.


If you’d like to learn more about the influence of dress and image in your life, consider reading my Clothes Power book with instructions and examples regarding people a lot like you: Wardrobe Strategy book #1, Clothes Power for $27.97.  You’ll find charts that will summarize the information and simplify your learning and application.  Order through Conselle’s Store or call 801-224-1207 and order directly through Kathy.  Order Clothes Power.


By Judith Rasband, AICI CIM and Dani Slaugh, Conselle AffiliateScreen Shot 2015-11-06 at 2.22.40 PM

When you hear the word investment, what comes to mind?  Land, a house, the stock market? Investment is defined as the action or process of investing money for profit or material result. In other words, we purchase something with the expectation that it will eventually generate income for us. Having said this, would you consider your clothing an investment? Think of someone whose appearance or image you admire. What investments have they made to get to where they are? Do you think they were just born that way? Good looks, great style, comfortable income? Think again.
People with a successful image use their clothing as a resource, a tool they can control and use to help them achieve their goals and objectives. Sound familiar? People with a successful image invest in clothing to achieve their goals, which could mean financial goals as well as more personal goals such as genuine self-worth.  Your wardrobe is an investment and should be cared for as you care for a property or portfolio from which you generate a material result. It is, after all, made from material…(pun intended.)

Here are 5 ways to protect your investments, your wardrobe investments, so that they can provide big returns for you. 

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1. Snag repair tool – consider this one from Miles Kimball.  Instead of discarding your favorite rayon blouse or sweater because of a snag, use a snag repair tool by gently pulling the snag to the back of the fabric and realign the fibers.
Find the snag repair tool Here.

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2. Fabric shaver – quickly removes unsightly fuzz balls and pilling from knit garments and other clothing $7.99  from the Container Store.  Get the fabric shaver Here. 

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3. Sewing kit – we like this sewing kit from Stansport because it has many different colors of thread to easily match the garment, ($2.99.) This is the time to finally sew the button back on that shirt!  Remember, your clothes can’t work for you if you don’t work for them.  Take the five minutes and sew that button during your favorite TV show. Find the sewing kit Here.

4.  Leather and Suede Protector – creates a resistant barrier that protects against water, stains and dirt. If you have not  used this, you know how quickly suede gets damaged by dirt, water, etc.  Spray on this protector as soon as you buy those blue suede shoes to keep them looking fabulous for years.  The cost is around $7 from most drug stores.

Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 2.47.33 PM5.  Baking soda – How to remove yellow pit stains from white shirts?  White shirts can be classic pieces that will stand the test of time, but how to keep them looking timeless?  Mix four tablespoons of baking soda with one quarter cup water. Scrub the paste into the armpits with an old toothbrush or fingernail brush.  Let sit for an hour. Wash and dry-not with high heat.

It’s time to get ready for the holidays!  Spending a few dollars and a little time on closet care this Fall will save you time and frustration each time you get ready for your holiday gatherings. Take care of your wardrobe and it will take care of you. Don’t take care of it and your closet will feel cluttered with pieces that you can’t wear – limiting your ability to dress the part on any given day.  Be ready for the holidays and start 2016 off on the right foot by utilizing your most undervalued and yet most profitable investment …. your wardrobe.

Looking for more information on clothing care and wardrobing?  Order Closet Organization and Clothing Care, Wardrobe Strategy #11 .  Visit our website www.conselle.com  or contact us at Conselle, 801-224-1207 or judith@conselle.com.

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I am just returned from the AICI Global Conference in Washington DC with members attending from over 32 different countries.  It was a joy to renew friendships and recharge enthusiasm for the image industry with professionals who recognize the significant influence of personal appearance on the individual, on social and cultural groups, and on civilization as a whole.  In my own conference session I presented Expressive Image Therapy as a new, mindful, and meaningful approach to wellness, image management, and personal style, which at the conclusion garnered a standing ovation!

Through visual demonstrations and interactive exercises, those in attendance learned how to use the elements of image, namely dress, grooming, and body language including etiquette, to achieve therapeutic goals.  Visual design in dress and grooming is a creative art form.  Expressive image therapy is about using the elements and principles of design to draw negative attention away from the body, to communicate, to improve or restore a client’s ability to function effectively, and to regain his or her sense of personal well being.  Increased awareness encourages emotional growth with a realistic body image.  Participants loved learning how to help clients express themselves visually, using clothes and grooming as resources or tools. We added many new members to the Expressive Image Therapy Association.  For more information on advanced training and membership, go here:  http://www.expressiveimagetherapy.org.

By Dani Slaugh, Conselle Affiliate

image consultant def books

Learn the language necessary to communicate with clarity, accuracy, and sensitivity to consumers, clients, colleagues, and professionals beyond our fashion field.

Parlez vous the language of clothes?  When I was at the university, studying business, one of my professors said something I’ll never forget.  “A precise vocabulary, using the rights words in the right situations, will sky rocket your career.”   This couldn’t be more true than in the field of image consulting.  In order to help our clients understand the vision for their future transformation, we must use accurate descriptions of where they are now and where they are going.  Does your arsenal of image terminology include the names of colors that instantly evoke a sensory response?  Can you help someone visualize and even smell the the color being described? How about your knowledge of fabric and texture?  Do your words allow others to feel the fabric without actually touching it because your description is so accurate?  How well are you able to describe the lines, shapes, and patterns in a design that would be terrific for your client?

The truth is, people hire us because they would like to see a change in themselves.  But change is hard, it’s so easy to fall back into bad habits.  After we sell them on the initial service, we still work to convince them that this new change is going to be wonderful and that they’re in good hands.  In so doing,  our people gain the confidence to practice what we’ve taught them after we leave and actually make the transformation they have been seeking.  A precise vocabulary leads to precise image consulting and very happy clients.

For MORE INFORMATION on how you can become a certified image consultant, click HERE.

A great education never goes out of style.

According to the fairytale, there was once an Emperor who was “exceedingly fond of fine clothes.”  He was easily fooled by a pair of swindlers who pretended they could weave the most “magnificent fabric imaginable.”  Clothing made from the fabric, they said, was invisible to anyone who was stupid.  People in the Kingdom were not about to be taken for stupid so they praised the look of the supposed clothes on the Emperor.  No one would “admit they could see nothing.”  It took an innocent child to truthfully announce, “But the Emperor has nothing on.”

And so it is with nude colored heels, now proclaimed as a wardrobe essential every girl and woman must wear with everything she owns.  Read the following claims:

  • “Nude shoes go with everything,”–“Bright, white, darks, patterns, denim!”  No they don’t.  Are you really going to believe nude heels enhance the look of a beautiful royal blue dress or an elegant black dress or suit?
  • “Nude heels go with any brightly colored dress or suit for an elegant finish.”  No they don’t.  Nude is a subtle, dulled flesh color in opposition to bright fashion colors.  They make you look like you don’t know how to coordinate your clothes.
  • “Nude heels are the ideal travel shoe.”  No they’re not.  They’re light colored, revealing dirt and black scuff marks.
  • “Nude heels make your legs look longer,” — “give the illusion of added length to your legs.”  No they don’t.  They can make you look like you forgot to put on any shoes.
    Black outlines the foot and carries the eye
    to the tip of the toe.
  • “Nude heels disappear when they match your skin.”  I rest my case.
  • “Avoid a nude heel with an otherwise nude outfit–you’ll simply disappear.”  Again, I rest my case.

It took a relatively “innocent” high school freshman to announce, “Their feet look naked.”  Don’t be like the Emperor, so easily fooled, no matter how many fashionistas try to convince you.

Here’s an interesting contradiction among fashion writers and bloggers:  “Nude heels must match your particular skin tone” vs. “Nude shoes should not match exactly as this can look a little creepy, old lady-ish.”  A contradiction, yes, but for the record, old ladies are not wearing nude shoes with everything.  They know better.

Another claim in support of nude shoes, “…..they’re different, unexpected.”  No they’re not.  Call them nude, beige, tan, or camel, they’ve been an option for decades.  They look terrific, totally in harmony with beige, tan, or camel colored clothing.

I adore nude, cream, and tan shoes, too, worn with nude, cream, or tan colored clothes.

If you have an interview, professional presentation, or formal event, do not-I repeat do not-wear nude heels with a contrasting darker dress or suit.  The light-colored shoes will draw undue attention to your feet instead of your face.  “Showcase your awesome sense of style” in nude heels?  No you won’t.  You’ll communicate that you’re a follower, dependent on fashion trends instead of thinking for yourself.

Here’s another blanket statement.  “Black shoes go with everything.”  No they don’t.  A pretty aqua or yellow dress is overpowered by black shoes.  The contrast is too great.  They weigh you down.  And nude shoes with a yellow dress look like you tried to match but missed.  Black shoes are certainly basic and classic, in harmony with darker colored clothes or repeated in the outfit itself.

When it comes to shoes, here’s another mix you don’t want–white shoes with a black dress.  Light shoes are too delicate to support a dark outfit.  Oh, yeah, I remember the white go-go boots with a dark pleated skirt in the 70s.  The look didn’t last then and won’t work now.

But say, it’s Spring and Summer’s on the way.  Take yourself to the shoe store.  Look around at the lively assortment of colored shoes.  Don’t limit your look to nude or black shoes.  This Spring and Summer, have fun with the huge variety of colored shoes in green and blue-green, blue, plum and purple, red, orange, and yellow-whatever colors work with your clothes.  If you’ve got clusters in your closet, and I hope you do, the wardrobe neutral color of your core pieces are perfect for basic shoes and bags.  Accent colors hint at options to add on just for fun, and now’s a great time of year to find them.  Have fun!

For more direction, order Color in Clothing Design, Selection, and Coordination, Conselle’s Wardrobe Strategy #5. Visit our website www.conselle.com  or contact us at Conselle, 801-224-1207 or judith@conselle.com.

By Judith Rasband, AICI CIM

Photo from studentartguide.com

Photo from studentartguide.com

People get caught up in the importance of first impressions on others.  But wait.  Think about it.  The first impression is really on ourselves, as we look down and see or feel the clothes on our body; as we see ourselves in the mirror or in a window glass.  The way we present ourselves to be perceived, in front of the mirror or in front of others, starts with a line–the silhouette outline of our clothed body’s shape.

As I work with so many women, and see so many articles about negative body image, it occurs to me that nearly everybody has some degree of a negative body image.  We perceive something about our body shape that we perceive as “bad,” less than ideal, making us feel inferior.  And it’s not just women.  Men also fall victim to negative body image, to the extreme of  BDD–Body Dismorphic Disorder, wherein they perceive something about themselves as absolutely hideous and go to incredible extremes to rid themselves of that image.  One fellow I am aware of does not allow a mirror in the house, will not walk in front of any store window.  Another man smashed his nose with a hammer to rid himself of its shape. Now that’s extreme!

As I shop with clients in a mall or am out with friends at the movies, we so often see bodies of all shapes and sizes dressed in clothes several sizes too small, stretched tightly over the body, without an eighth of an inch of ease anywhere.  The silhouette outlines every body crevice, curve and bulge–sometimes bulge after bulge.  People tell me “that’s more exposure, more information about the body than I really want to see.”  You have to wonder, just how do these individuals perceive themselves?


Whether perceptions or self-presentations are due to ignorance or arrogance, shapes can be shocking!  Whatever the case, I highly recommend we learn to be kind to ourselves and kinder to others–more respectful.  It’s really so easy. It’s a matter of ease.

We simply need to select clothing styles and sizes that actually accommodate our body, plus ease.  Then the clothes slip easily, smoothly over the body.  It works!  This Spring and Summer, avoid wearing tight t-shirts and pants.  If the clothes are made of all cotton, buy a size larger.  It will shrink with the first washing.  Both men and women can comfortably and attractively camouflage midriff bulge, a tummy, or bigger bottom by layering with a larger, lightweight shirt-jac or duster.

Take a good look at the difference in the attention going to the body of this model wearing a form fitting dress with basic fitting ease, on the left, as compared to a looser-fitting dress with added fashion ease, on the right.  With a little more fitting or fashion styling ease, the clothing silhouette becomes dominant and the body becomes subordinate.  You not only look slimmer, but you feel slimmer, more confident, and able to forget about the shape of your body.


Our clothing choices reflect and affect us.  We know this.  When we gradually learn to use our clothing lines, shapes, colors, textures, and patterns to reflect or communicate our personality traits, our values, interests, roles, and goals, that’s image from the inside out.  When we create an attractive image on the outside and experience a positive response from others, that’s a positive effect of image from the outside in.  Image management leads to the best of both.  In the months ahead, let’s get up, get ready, and get out with enough ease in the fit of our clothes, confident and able to forget about ourselves at work or play.


Oh, that we could all feel this good about ourselves, for life! Speaking of which, Conselle’s Style For Life Retreat is coming up May 18-23, 2015.  We have put together the ultimate experience that is educational, entertaining, and empowering.  During this exciting 6-day retreat in the beautiful Mountainlands of Utah, you will learn image strategies and skills you’ll use for the rest of your life.

“It was amazing. What I learned [on day one] exceeded all expectations for the whole Retreat.  I am so glad I came.”
Brenda, Ohio
“Awesome, fun, so needed. Fascinating. Empowering!”
Bonnie, Utah
For detailed information and testimonials, visit Style For Life Info and click on the link at the bottom of the page to download the brochure or call 801-224-1207 and talk to Kathy.

By Dani Slaugh, Conselle Affiliate

Closeup portrait of smiling young girls isolated on white

Practice consulting with volunteer clients who are extremely different from you.

One of the challenges that image consultants face is knowing how to dress other people according to their personal coloring, figure variation, personal style and lifestyle.  Dressing yourself MAY COME NATURAL TO YOU, but teaching others what works for them, and not necessarily you, is not so easy.  Once you’ve done your homework…because you have taken the advice in tip number 2 and have mastered Wardrobe Strategies…it’s time to implement what you’ve learned.  The best way to do this is by asking a few people if you could “practice” on them.  Because you don’t charge them a fee, you’ll likely have no shortage of volunteers, that’s why we call these no fee clients “volunteer clients”.

Choose people who are both in your target market and different from you in terms of personal coloring, figure variation, personal style and/or lifestyle.  I have dark blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin, average height and build, and my personal style has a wide range.  My volunteer clients were so different from me!  One had black hair, very light skin, with hazel green eyes, a taller/larger build, with a very classic style.  My other volunteer client had dark brown hair, eyes, and skin, petite build, with a sporty/romantic personal style.  Boy did I learn from these two!  They were as different as night and day and expanded my understanding and appreciation for other women.   For example, I learned how to enhance the personal coloring of someone who is not blonde.    I learned about the fitting challenges that exist for so many people who are either taller than average or petite.  And personal style takes on a whole new light when considering such different personalities and backgrounds.  What a way to put my education to the test!  And what a great way to be prepared for the variety of clients I was soon to work with.

Practicing your skills on people who are vastly different from you is a wonderful way to help your clients look fabulous, which in turn, makes you a fabulous image consultant.  I couldn’t have done it without Conselle’s courses, however.  For MORE INFORMATION on how you can become a certified image consultant, click HERE.

A great education never goes out of style.